Wednesday, 31 July 2024

FTM 2019 - Free Update 24.2.2

  FTM 2019 - Free Update 24.2.2

ABOUT FTM 2019 24.2.2 UPDATE

Version 24.2.2 update is an important update for all FTM 2019 users. It will fix many issues, including login page issues with ancestry, sync issues with ancestry, FamilySearch browse issues, etc. In addition, MacKiev has added new relationship managing tools as well with this patch. If you have the FTM 2019, then you should update your software.
This update also resolves an issue with signing in to Ancestry on macOS 10.14-10.15. You can now reliably sign in successfully on these systems.
The 24.2.2 update also includes all of the many features and fixes that were released in the previous updates.


The update is for those users who are using FTM19. If you are using FTM17 or an older version than FTM17, then you may not need to install this update. However, you may need to upgrade to FTM19. It contains important updates for:
  • Syncing with Ancestry
  • Ancestry Login on macOS 10.14-10.15


1. Make sure FTM 2019 is installed.
2. Sync your trees. If you have been syncing successfully in FTM 2019, sync one more time before running the update.
3. Compact and Back up your trees. If you have not already done so, compact your trees (Tools > Compact File) and make manual backups (File>Backup, making sure the Media and Restore Sync boxes are checked). 

If you want to upgrade your Family Tree Maker 2019 program, You can contact us at Family Tree Maker Support to get your issue resolved. We provide phone support 24×7. The Family Tree Maker Support Number is +1-888-257-3335. You can also use our live chat support service from our site.

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Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Family Tree Maker 2019 - Features


For more than thirty years Family Tree Maker has been the world's favorite genealogy software, making it easier than ever to discover your family history, preserve your legacy, and share your unique heritage. If you're new to family history, you'll appreciate how this intuitive program lets you easily grow your family tree with simple navigation, tree-building tools, and integrated Web searching. If you're an expert, you can dive into the more advanced features, like options for managing data, and a wide variety of charts and reports. 

Family Tree Maker 2019 offers a wide variety of tools, and its simple navigation and web search features make it more fascinating than other genealogy software. FTM 2019, is a boon for beginners and a blessing for experts.  

Key Features in Family Tree Maker 2019

  • Build your tree with easy steps.
  • Sync with Ancestry.
  • Ancestry and FamilySearch hints.
  • View collaborative maps & family history timelines.
  • TreeVault.
  • Next to Kin.
  • Turn Back Time.

What’s New in FTM 2019? 

Turn Back 1000 steps 

In Turn Back Time, FTM keeps track of the last thousand changes. It gives you the power to roll back to just before the mistake. Also, it holds a log to restore the right move.

TreeVault Cloud Services

With TreeVault, Family Tree Maker is no longer an isolated desktop application, but rather the hub of a growing ecosystem of mobile apps and cloud services.

Perfection in the profile photo

Clean up the look of your tree with our new profile picture-cropping tool. After detecting the picture, it zooms in the requisite amount. The latest technology in FTM19 crops a perfect square that fits perfectly on each tree leaf, keeping your original photo untouched.

Family Search Hints in the Index

Lots of news here starting with the ability to download an entire branch from a FamilySearch tree into FTM 2019. The advantage of using it is that you get the hints linked to over six to seven billion records. Furthermore, it is all free for you so that you can do your research efficiently.

AlbumWALK Media Player

Every photo has a story or two to tell. AlbumWALK makes it easy to capture the memories of those who were there when the photograph was taken. Using AlbumWALK's patented tap-talk interface, just tap a face on a photo on your iPad or iPhone, and talk about that person.

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Monday, 29 July 2024

Features- Family Tree Maker Genealogy Software

Family Tree Maker is a genealogy software that offers a wide range of features to create, manage, and share family trees online. Here are some top features of Family Tree Maker:

Ancestors on the map

Ancestors on the map

Access interactive street and satellite maps to view important locations in your ancestors' lives and track your family’s migration paths.

Rich Color Coding

Rich Color Coding

In FTM 2019, rich color coding is just one click away. It is one of the most frequent requests from genealogists using FTM 2017's color coding, was for "rich" color coding - not just coding the home person's ancestors but each ancestor's descendants as well. 

Profile Picture Perfection

Profile Picture Perfection

Clean up the look of your tree with our new profile picture-cropping tool. Smart technology detects the person's face and zooms in just the right amount, then crops a perfect square, And best of all, the original photo is not touched.

TreeVault Cloud Services

TreeVault Cloud Services

With TreeVault you'll be able to view your FTM tree on your smartphone or tablet. 

Organize media with ease

Organize media with ease

Illustrate your family story with photos, historical records, and audio and video files. The easy-to-use tools in Family Tree Maker help you manage media faster than ever before.

Companion Guide

Companion Guide

This guide offers you a step-by-step tour of the program and all that you can accomplish with it. You can use the free digital PDF guide that comes with the product or order a 325-page full-color printed guide from our Gift Collection.

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Sunday, 28 July 2024

Managing Relationships in Family Tree Maker 2019 for Mac

Managing Relationships in FTM 2019

In this blog, you will learn how to manage multiple relationships in Family Tree Maker 2019 at one time and also change different relationship types.

Upgrade Family Tree Maker 2019 Software

To use the Manage Relationships tool, follow these steps:

1. With your tree open in Family Tree Maker, go to the edit menu and choose Manage Relationships.

2. Back up your tree file. We always recommend creating a full backup before you perform any major changes to the tree.

3. In the Manage Relationships dialog, choose the type of relationship you want to change from the Show relationships.
The Show relationships filter allows you to find, for example, all couples who have a Marriage fact but whose relationship type is currently set to “Unknown”. The tool makes it very easy to change such relationships to “Spouse”.

4. Select the checkbox next to each of the relationships where you want to change the relationship type. 

5. Choose the new relationship type you want the selected relationships to have.
6. Click Apply.

7.  When you’re finished, click Close.

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